Мы увеличили время работы бани до 11:00PM.
Terms and Conditions
We extended business hours and now we open till 11:00PM.
The massage services
The massage services provided to our clients are performed by the independent outside contractor. Our Gift Certificates do not cover massage service, it can be applied towards entrance fee and Restaurant
Услуги массажа
Услуги массажа, предоставляемые нашим клиентам, выполняются независимым внешним подрядчиком. Наши подарочные сертификаты не покрывают услуги массажа, их можно использовать для оплаты входного билета и посещения ресторана.
Входная плата для взрослых, пожилых людей и детей будет увеличена
Начиная с 15 октября; Входная плата для взрослых, пожилых людей и детей будет увеличена на 5,00 долларов. Цена за 10 визитных карт останется неизменной.
We will now allow sea salt or almond/plum/cherry based scrubs and also a soap body wash (NO COFFE SCRUBS) Please note that scrubs, soaps, any creams or oils are still not allowed in any Banyas or Saunas. We will now allow use of moisturizing face masks and moisturizing face screams in our … Read More

The restaurant has authentic Russian dishes that you would not want to miss. Traditional Russian vodka, cold beer and freshly squeezed juices are also available. The dining area is cozy.

Room For Groups
The Birch Room is finished with Birch Trunks and Cedar Boards. The combination of Birch and Cedar exudes unique aromas creating a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. The Birch Room is integrated into a large resting area and is only a … Read More